Let me start with this: If we don't pass this extension, then next month mental illness as a sole criterion for seeking MAID will be possible. People will have to deal with that. Medical practitioners, many of whom feel they are ready, and many provinces that feel they are ready, will move.
In terms of the current eligibility for MAID generally, one has to be 18 years of age or older. The special committee is looking at the question of mature minors, but for now it is 18 years or older. Secondly, you would have to be eligible for publicly funded health care services. You have to make a voluntary request that's not the result of external pressure from anybody, including family or others. You have to be able to give informed consent to receive MAID after having received all the information to make the decision. You have to have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability. You have to be in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability and be enduring intolerable suffering.
If you're on track two, you need to make the request in writing, signed by an independent witness. You need two independent practitioners to provide an assessment. One of those two people has to have an expertise in the area. You need to be told that you can withdraw your request in any case. That assessment period in track two has to be at least 90 days.