Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you, Minister and officials, for being here.
I want to start off by saying a couple of things. I wasn't here two years ago, nor am I on the committee that was struck. I will say that MAID is a deeply personal and complex choice that really does touch every person and every family. These are usually very difficult, painful situations in a person's life as well as in the lives of their loved ones. I can appreciate that the Government of Canada needs to get this right as best it can. I don't believe there's any such thing as perfect. We all know that laws change. That's why we're here. That's why we have parliamentarians and courts.
Having said all that, I'm wondering if you could clear up a couple of things. I want to give you enough time on the record.
What are the current eligibility criteria for MAID? What happens if we don't pass and give this extension? Can you tell me what the law of the land is and where we are today?
After that, where are the provinces in this?