We agree that there needs to be.... That is a very difficult question.
We recognize that suicidality is a concern, and we agree that it's important to distinguish between suicidal intent and a rational, well-considered request for MAID from someone with a long-standing mental disorder.
We've heard from practitioners that psychiatrists are well trained to do this. They have indicated that suicide assessments are already part of the current MAID assessment practices, as are suicide prevention efforts when these are warranted.
The expert panel has made recommendations to assist practitioners in discerning a rational request for MAID, including doing many assessments over a period of time, “including when possible, during periods of remission or reduced symptoms, and not during periods of acute emotional distress or crisis.” The panel advises that “suicidal ideation must be considered and evaluated to best determine whether the requester's wish to end their life by MAiD represents a capable appraisal of their situation rather than a potentially treatable symptom of their mental disorder.”
The MAID practice standards, which will be available in March 2023, will assist in this regard.