That would be providing better, clear guidance and direction to decision-makers about what we want them to be thinking about and focusing on when they're exercising their discretion.
We might also want to consider what might look like hurdles to custody, something similar to what we see in the YCJA, acknowledging, of course, that young people are different from adults, but thinking about who we want to be holding in custody and who we want to be letting out.
For example, perhaps we want to try to focus our attention on those who have been charged with particularly serious offences and have a criminal record that demonstrates a pattern of behaviour of that kind.
Maybe we want to think about people and what the likely sentence is that they would receive if they were convicted. If it's less than six months in custody, should we be presumptively releasing them into the community?
For those who are charged with failing to comply with a condition of their release, look at if they committed a new substantive offence at the same time, or if that condition of release caused harm to an identifiable victim.
The other thing we might want to think about is how we provide the best level of support for people in the community if we know that is not only less expensive but helps make it less likely that people are going to commit offences. How do we support individuals? How do we support communities so that people can stay in the community and maintain their ties to the community and their investment in the community, making it less rather than more likely that they will commit more offences?