Unfortunately, I don't have the numbers right in front of me, but often we're looking at the time between arrest and the resolution of charges as sitting at somewhere over 100 days. Again, this is on average, so when we think about those who are in pretrial detention, you have a small number of people who are going to be there for a very long time, whose cases may take a year or two years to come to trial.
We also have a lot of people who are going to spend very short periods of time there because we have what I've called a culture of adjournment in bail court, where each and every day the most likely outcome across this country is that your bail hearing is going to be adjourned to another day. We make very few actual bail decisions each and every day. A lot of the people we're seeing in remand are sort of in this churning place. They may eventually be released, but they are going to spend time in custody first. As we've talked about—and Emilie has spoken about it, as well—there are incredible harms that flow from even short periods of time in custody, making it more likely that people will offend, rather than less likely.