Absolutely, we need to do something. I mean, we're losing about 1,500 people a year to impaired driving, and I don't know what it comes down to. I have been fighting for change now for 12 years, and there's still so much more that needs to be done, because we continue to lose people.
I don't know whether it's going after the car manufacturers to implement something so the car will not start, like an interlock ignition; I don't know whether it will be tougher sentencing laws, or whether it will be that you get one chance to get your licence, and if you drive impaired and you crash and kill someone, then you lose your licence and it's gone forever. It's something that has to be tough. It has to be drastic. People have to know that if they drink and drive and cause a collision that kills someone, there are severe consequences to those actions, and I think it's—