They're outstanding, but they're limited in terms of the number of places that offer them and the number of people they can supervise. With declining budgets, there are fewer and fewer people who qualify. The eligibility criteria become tougher and tougher to meet.
The short answer is that they're wonderfully successful. The track records of these programs are very strong. They would be very useful. If I can make one point from an economic perspective, it would be how we fund the resources. I agree that the resources are a major problem.
In Ontario, approximately 7,500 people, give or take, right now are in pretrial custody. If we were to reduce that number by 25%, we could save about $150 million a year. That money could be reallocated to community-based programs that would help people stay out of the life of crime to begin with or, even if you want to ignore that aspect of it, you could dedicate that money to increasing police budgets for supervising bail or for doing all sorts of things.
We can put people in the community for a lot less money than we can put them in jail. The money that we would save by helping decarcerate our pretrial detention facilities could be used either for bettering the community or for supervising people on bail, or both. We would still come out many millions of dollars ahead.