I'm glad you provided that clarification.
Again, I know first-hand that there are bail programs wherein we work with the John Howards, Liz Frys and other organizations to provide that wraparound support. I think the challenge is around sustained supports in areas where the individual offender needs it, and in making sure we balance the treatment and support with the counterbalancing need to protect the community.
That's why this study is important. At times, it can be a very complex balance to strike. You may have somebody who has mental health issues but also poses a very serious threat to the safety and security of the community. In the absence of a type of required support ecosystem, there may be no other choice but to detain that individual.
In the course of detention, it is equally important that we look to provide rehabilitative programming, services and supports. That's why, for example, the indigenous community corrections services program we announced yesterday is one way in which that goal can be accomplished. Admittedly, that is post trial and post conviction. In sentencing.... It is a challenge at the front end of the process.