Thank you for the invitation to address this committee.
I'm a criminal defence lawyer in Vancouver, and I'm here on behalf of the Criminal Defence Advocacy Society, an organization of defence lawyers from throughout British Columbia.
This committee has an opportunity to meaningfully improve Canada's bail system, uphold constitutional rights and protect the long-term safety of our public. This should not be an either-or proposition; nor will it be a quick fix, but it is necessary.
As the honourable Minister Lametti has said, when making important decisions such as this, the devil will be in the details.
This committee has already heard some of those details, and I will not repeat all the statistics or all the data, but they are staggering. For the past 30 years, crime in our country has steadily declined, yet our pretrial jails have grown overcrowded with those presumed innocent. Even a few days in pretrial custody can jeopardize a person's employment, their housing and their community connections, and it can increase the risk of future offending.
The courts are bogged down with minor matters, administrative breaches and a culture of adjournment that has been described as “an entirely unacceptable threat to constitutional rights, a denial of access to justice, and an unnecessary cost to the court system”. There is a lack of legal aid funding for defence counsel and often an absence or sparsity of disclosure at an early stage. Community supervision resources are understaffed and underfunded.
Finally, indigenous people, racial minorities, the poor, the homeless, the drug-addicted and the mentally ill are all overrepresented in our jails. For the past three years, the pandemic has also eroded many of the social supports upon which people in these groups rely. It is perhaps no coincidence then that it is in this same time frame that these concerns regarding repeat violent offending have come to the fore.
These facts all combine for one troubling reality. Our court system is overwhelmed, and our society is in crisis. Reverse onuses will not solve that crisis. New rules and definitions for repeat violent offenders will not protect long-term public safety.
Bail decisions are inherently imperfect risk assessments. Reverse onuses do not tell a judge anything they don't already know about the caution needed when a defender who's facing newfound charges comes before the court. That person already faces an uphill battle to release, regardless of such a label. However, reverse onuses risk a one-size-fits-all approach that may threaten the right to reasonable bail.
A person who may otherwise be a consent-release candidate may face delays, even of a matter of days, to prepare a release plan. They may face pressure to agree to excessive conditions, and they may face pressure for a hasty and sometimes wrongful guilty plea. History suggests that unfortunately this will have the greatest impact on those same marginalized groups. Finally, adding reverse onuses would run counter to the clear direction from our Supreme Court of Canada in Antic and Zora.
Legislative reform alone will not cure what ails this justice system; nor will it protect our society in the long term. As this committee has heard, effective bail reform requires a multidisciplinary approach to understand and, more importantly, prevent the root causes of criminality. CDAS encourages this committee to consider how the federal government can support the following measures: first, increasing community health resources and social services, particularly in rural and northern regions; second, creating non-police mental health crisis response teams; third, decriminalizing the possession of a small amount of drugs and providing a safe drug supply to those who are addicted; fourth, mandating timely disclosure at bail hearings; and fifth, continuing to uphold the direction from Antic and Zora that pretrial release is the norm and that detention is the exception.
In Antic, the Supreme Court of Canada opened its decision by describing the interrelation between the right to reasonable bail and an enlightened criminal justice system. An enlightened criminal justice system must be forward-looking and not overly swayed by the emotions and tragedies that are, unfortunately, its stock and trade.
On behalf of CDAS, I urge this committee to favour data over emotion, to favour progress over regression, and to favour the long-term safety of Canadians over short-term reactions to tragic events.
Thank you very much.