Thank you very much for the invitation to appear here today.
I want to start by sharing some information on why I think these changes are important. I then have a few amendments to offer. I'll conclude with a comment about a lingering issue that these changes raise that specifically relates to our listing of terrorist entities.
As we all know, these amendments come about because of the situation in Afghanistan, but they have much broader implications globally. I estimate that about 8% of countries worldwide have terrorist groups in them that control territory to some extent—not the full country, of course, but some element of it where aid groups might want to operate. This legislation will, of course, enable activities by Canadian organizations in these regions, which in turn can help increase stability and provide alternatives to engagement in violence for the people in those countries.
It's important here that this amendment be calibrated to the current threat of terrorist financing. My research shows that 42% of terrorist groups around the world use taxation activities, including taxation of aid organizations and humanitarian activities, to finance themselves. This is not a rare activity.
This is part of the reason that a broad humanitarian carve-out, as some have proposed, is much too broad, in my view. It would create many opportunities for terrorist groups to exploit Canadian organizations and profit from their aid activity.
The current amendments allow Canada to calibrate its aid and foreign policy to take into consideration the types of terrorist groups operating in particular regions, the activities that they're undertaking and their international security threats. This essentially will allow Canada to calibrate and turn up and down the dial on international aid according to the security situation, and calibrate our foreign policy.
While I do offer broad support for this amendment, there are a few areas that I think need further attention.
First, I think it would be very beneficial for Global Affairs Canada to create a list of countries and geographic areas where terrorist groups control territory, and provide it publicly. This would allow aid organizations to immediately be able to determine if their activities fall under the scope of this legislation and require an exemption.
I don't think that this is more work, because Global Affairs is likely going to have to do this kind of work anyway to effectively evaluate the applications that come through. They'll have to have a list already of where terrorist groups are controlling territory. Of course, there are political sensitivities around this, but I'm confident that Global Affairs can word this in a way that minimizes some of those issues.
My second issue relates to the security review, specifically proposed paragraph 83.032(10)(a), where the language is around “links to a terrorist group”. This wording is far too vague. “Links” is a term that's neither defined in law nor a good analytic term. If the drafters of the language have something specific in mind, they should include that here; otherwise, the line should be struck because it's not clear if “links” means something as vague as someone having known a convicted terrorist on one or two or occasions or if it's a much broader association. Specificity is going to be really key here.
The third issue I see is that FINTRAC, our financial intelligence unit, isn't in the list of entities that may provide assistance to the Minister of Public Safety. This is quite a curious omission, given FINTRAC's role in countering terrorist financing. I suggest that they be included, either in the legislation itself or at least in the regulations.
Further, it would be prudent to specify that FINTRAC's assistance relates specifically to its strategic analysis capabilities. This is part of section 58 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, which specifically allows FINTRAC to provide information on the nature and extent of terrorist financing activities inside and outside of Canada. It differentiates it from its more technical disclosures in section 55.
Finally, I want to address one last thing. The amendments as proposed talk about terrorist “groups”, not listed terrorist “entities”. This language has not been lost on members of this committee. This language is a necessary inclusion because there are many terrorist groups operating around the world that are not listed entities in Canada, but I think it's important to be clear here. This language about “groups” is partly necessary because our process for listing terrorist entities is broken. It's not transparent. There is no identified methodology that Public Safety Canada uses to nominate groups to that list, and the public information provided to support those listings is the weakest among all the Five Eyes.
Canada should reform the listing process with an eye to making it more robust—robust enough to support these amendments to the Criminal Code and not necessitate the inclusion of the word “groups”. Instead, we could use the word “entities”. The word “groups” is far too broad to be useful. We should be able to rely on our list of terrorist entities, but we can't right now because it's not inclusive or responsive enough to geopolitical realities.
Thank you again for the opportunity to be here today. I look forward to taking any questions you have.