Thank you for your question.
I understand your concern and your desire to move forward. That said, I'd like to come back to what you said about the various lists of organizations and what already exists.
The important thing we need to do here today is distinguish between the different types of organizations involved.
For example, you have so‑called impartial humanitarian organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which act in accordance with their mandates under international humanitarian law. International humanitarian law aims to limit the effects of war on humanitarian grounds by reconciling military necessity with humanitarian imperatives. The provisions of the Geneva Conventions, conventional international humanitarian law and customary international humanitarian law give impartial humanitarian organizations the right to offer services to parties to the conflict, to enable them to deploy humanitarian and medical assistance.
Observance of the humanitarian duties and principles of impartiality and neutrality by impartial humanitarian organizations also gives them rights, namely the assurance of protected status to enable humanitarian assistance. As long as these humanitarian organizations remain neutral and impartial, they enjoy the protection afforded to them under humanitarian law.
Doctors Without Borders and the International Committee of the Red Cross have very special status. We are perpetually committed to maintaining it by imposing on ourselves observance of these fundamental principles, in our charter, in the management of our operations, in our communications and in our funding sources. Our identity, legitimacy and legality are at stake, but so is our protection in the field, since we risk our lives if we don't stick to these principles.
Of course, there are also other types of organizations, such as development assistance or peacebuilding organizations, that have other activities to promote other principles. These organizations do not necessarily serve the same needs and are not necessarily bound by the same obligations under international humanitarian law.