Thank you.
I also want to mention something on security for Ms. McPherson about undermining the principles that I just mentioned, impartiality and neutrality. These are the principles that grant an access to a population, and they're also the principles that grant us protection under the Geneva Conventions. This authorization process would further increase security risks for MSF in the field, because those fields are volatile contexts. In these contexts, we—MSF— would be wrongly presented as agents of the Canadian state. It would be wrong, because we are neutral and impartial. Through that authorization process, we would appear as agents of a country—a state—that has maybe publicly designated some non-state armed groups as terrorists or called for their arrest.
At the same time, Bill C-41's proposal would also give its approval stamp to impartial humanitarian organizations such as MSF to carry out, or not, their activities in territories controlled by those very same armed groups, so attacks could actually also target humanitarian personnel who are with organizations that have so far appeared as neutral and impartial but may no longer appear as such and through the authorization process implementation would rather be presented as being linked to state diplomacy or politics. This would also be a massive risk for humanitarians, including Canadian humanitarians.