To answer your question about Bill C-36, I think we need to keep it. I briefly touched on this but I think it would help the current workers who keep hearing that sex workers are marginalized and in survival mode and for multiple reasons unable to move beyond that survival mode.
Decriminalization would certainly help these workers move within their survival mode more freely but it would be unlikely to provide resources to give these workers a leg up and to get them out of that survival mode. As far as I'm concerned, widespread resources and education to prevent people from existing in a survival mode that results in the sale of their own bodies is the best way to create foundational change.
Decriminalization and repealing PCEPA, as I said, would certainly result in those short-term benefits but the long-term detriments of having more people being exploited due to increased demand and the overall continued lack of resources that result in the sale and commodification of human bodies would continue to be an issue.
We need to keep PCEPA and work together to provide resources so we don't see people having to work the streets because they are in survival mode.