Of course, sex workers changed the kinds of services that were offered. Sex workers are very adaptable. The difference with COVID as opposed to any other kind of situation where sex workers are stigmatized and not able to access health and safety supports is that sex workers were also scared of COVID the same way that a lot of other people were. In this context, sex workers—quote, unquote—behaved or proceeded with different cautions as well.
Sex workers are very savvy. People who need money will find ways to make money. Sex workers changed the kinds of services they offered. I saw some people offering types of video services. I saw one very savvy sex worker—but this was just one sex worker out of over 10,000 who work across Canada—offer a two-week quarantine service to spend that much time with a client. I don't know....
Some people only saw their regulars, but a lot of clients were, in the context of COVID, not necessarily as eager because things can be traced back.
Sex work is transient. Some sex workers also had other types of work. Often, sex workers do various types of work. That was something else that sex workers did.
I wouldn't argue that sex workers were offering services they wouldn't necessarily normally offer in the context of COVID, because sex workers' bodies are their working tool. It's really important that sex workers take care of them. Obviously, when in financial distress, sex workers, during COVID or not, might offer services that they wouldn't otherwise offer. That's similar to how some people take other jobs that they wouldn't necessarily when they're not in financial distress.