Yes, I did. I spent a lot of time in long-term care facilities while I was practising medicine for 20 years. I saw it—the heartbreak of patients complaining about the care they got or didn't get, and the abuse they got from a lot of caregivers was something that.... All I could do was complain. I couldn't do anything about it. They also had to be quiet and say nothing, in case they got treated even worse. The people in a position of trust and authority could penalize you if you dared to say something happened there that made you unhappy, or if your family managed to complain about something.
I'm a member of Parliament now, and I could use that ability to deal with something. Dealing with it prior to COVID meant the public would want to know what I was talking about. COVID exposed all of this. As we saw, the armed forces' task force made some very clear reports, which read almost like horror stories, about what was lacking in these long-term care facilities.