Pornography is used in a variety of ways to groom a victim to find certain sexual practices acceptable. When you're viewing it on TV, traffickers are really just kind of grooming you to find it acceptable. It's the same reason they provide drugs during pornography; it's to reduce inhibitions.
We also know that pornography and the Internet are used in every transaction where trafficking takes place. For example, I work with 12- to 17-year-olds. Any image taken of that child is automatically a child sexual abuse image. Therefore, once it's distributed, it becomes another crime.
We recognize that the role of pornography really does impact trafficked persons, especially when it comes to their consumption and commercialization or sale. Pornography proliferates images of women being depicted as weaker members who are only good for their hypersexualization..
Those are a few things about the role that pornography plays with trafficked persons.