I did. I want to clear up something that Ms. Way said. She was talking about a sex worker and a driver. When a youth is being trafficked, they're not a sex worker—and you know this—under the age of 18, usually the drivers are complicit and are part of what's going on in the course of a situation. That is a completely different conversation.
One of the challenges that I'm hearing here right now is that we're talking about funding for court systems when we should be talking about victims and advocacy, and we should be talking about prevention and education in our schools and for parents and caregivers. That is not even being discussed.
I understand that the court system is overburdened, and I don't know how they answer that, because that's not my lane of work. My lane of work is these young women and young men who have been exploited since they were children. I think that's where our focus needs to be.
If we're going to amend the law and it's going to help support them come forward to provide a statement where they don't have the burden of proving that they were scared the entire time, then that's something we need to consider.