Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to move the following motion. If the motion is adopted, I'll also move that the committee rise and report it back to the House as a report.
The clerk has copies. I think everybody has it in both languages.
That motion is “That, given the rising tide of hate and violence directed toward the 2SLGBTQI+ community at home and around the world, the House call on leaders at all levels of government in Canada to: (a) speak out strongly in favour of Canadian values of equality and inclusion for the 2SLGBTQI+ community; (b) deplore all disruptions of lawful public activities including Pride events and all children’s sport and educational activities; and (c) condemn all attempts to disrupt democratic institutions including school boards when dealing with policies concerning equality and inclusion.”
If I can, Mr. Chair, I will speak briefly to the motion.