Thank you very much, dear colleagues. It's a real pleasure to be here.
Thank you so much for placing your confidence in me to be the chair. I will be a fair chair and I hope to work with all colleagues from all political parties. I don't see why we can't. We've done very well up to this point in the last two years.
I wish our last chair, Randeep Sarai, the very best of luck in his new parliamentary duties.
What we will be doing is calling for a steering committee meeting next, if that is the wish of the committee. Do I hear any motions or anybody who would like to report on anything for today?
Why don't we suspend for a few moments so that I can confer with the table?
All right, folks, let me clarify something. My understanding is that you would like the steering committee to meet at the next meeting. Am I correct in that?
Go ahead, Mr. Maloney