Maybe I can start with that question.
In terms of one of the earlier comments you made as to the importance of taking what's in the law and then transitioning it to application, we certainly agree with that statement. It's critically important that the laws that are developed be implemented in a comprehensive way. That's the first point.
On the second point, as you know responsibility for victims services is shared across all jurisdictions, so for our part—and my colleagues can speak to that more specifically—through our federal victims strategy and our funding agreements with the provinces and territories, we try to support them in their responsibilities for administering justice and supporting victims.
The third point I would note very quickly. Certainly with this review of the Victims Bill of Rights we're taking note of all suggestions from your committee in terms of reforms that are needed, obviously, paying close attention to the reports of the ombudsmen as well, and using all of that information to support the work we do in providing advice to the government on ways to strengthen responses to victims.