I can speak to that, Madam Findlay.
The short answer is we're not sure, which sounds very vague and “un-data-like”, and my apologies for that.
We have, through a special request, been able to get data from the Canadian centre for justice and community safety statistics at Statistics Canada. We are able to look at data prior to 2015. It's on a fiscal-year...so it would be up to 2014-15, and then 2015-16 up to 2019-20. At this time, looking at both adult and youth court statistics of restitution orders made by type of restitution order, it does not look like there has been an increase.
Feedback from provinces and territories from which the data are collected has indicated that the numbers provided by our national statistics agency are less than what they have at home. We don't quite understand the discrepancies, but we are going to be following up and scheduling meetings in the coming months to do so.