I'd say to them that I understand their concerns about the criminal justice system, but categorizing us as “dragging our feet” is completely inaccurate. I've appointed 37 individuals personally in three months. That's a pretty torrid pace for the start of my ministerial career. I will continue to proceed with that pace.
I would also say to them that we had 89 vacancies on January 1. I and David Lametti have appointed 83 people this year. The reason that number is not six but is in the 80s is that there has been a combination of retirements and elevations and judges electing to go supernumerary.
Does that make my task harder? Yes, it does. Am I ready for the task? Absolutely, in terms of speeding up processes in my office and with PCO security clearances, working with the JACs diligently to ensure they are constituted and producing recommendations, and, finally, encouraging applications from around the country from excellent lawyers with terrific legal intellect to represent the diversity of the country.