Thank you, Madam Chair.
The North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission is the United States' first and only independent state agency charged with the neutral investigation of post-conviction claims of factual innocence.
The preamble to the legislation that created the Innocence Inquiry Commission in 2006 states:
Whereas, postconviction review of credible claims of factual innocence supported by verifiable evidence not previously presented at trial or at a hearing granted through postconviction relief should be addressed expeditiously to ensure the innocent as well as the guilty receive justice; and
Whereas, public confidence in the justice system is strengthened by thorough and timely inquiry into claims of factual innocence; and
Whereas, factual claims of innocence, which are determined to be credible, can most effectively and efficiently be evaluated through complete and independent investigation and review of the same…
This preamble encompasses the commission's mission.
Although wrongful convictions erode public confidence in the criminal justice system, addressing them enables criminal justice stakeholders to learn how to better ensure that justice is served. For every wrongful conviction, there's a true perpetrator at large, a victim under the false impression of having received justice and an innocent person who may spend years in prison for a crime they did not commit.
Accordingly, the commission is designed to uncover the truth from a neutral perspective outside of the adversarial criminal justice system. By design, the North Carolina General Assembly limited the scope of the commission's work, while also granting the commission very broad statutory authority to achieve its mission.
There are three hallmarks of the commission process that make it successful.
The first is this broad statutory authority. The commission was given all of the authority of both the rules of criminal procedure and the rules of civil procedure in North Carolina to ensure that we can achieve our goal of uncovering the truth in claims of factual innocence. This has resulted in the commission being able to review, interview and depose individuals who had not previously participated in a case; having access to files and evidence that others may not have been able to access; and the commission locating physical evidence that agencies had claimed did not exist or could not be located, among other things. In fact, the commission has located physical evidence in 28 cases, where others said it no longer existed, including in 12 of our 15 cases where individuals were ultimately exonerated.
The second is our neutrality. Because we do not enter into any kind of attorney-client relationship with the claimants and are not working on the claimant's behalf, or even on the behalf of the prosecution, we can be curious in our endeavour to find the truth. This allows commission staff to ask necessary but difficult questions as part of our investigations.
Because claimants have to waive all of their constitutional rights to participate in the commission process, and can do so because our process is narrowly limited to claims of factual innocence, many of the concerns that attorneys face in an adversarial system are simply not factors in investigations of these claims.
Our neutrality also shapes how we measure success. A good day at the commission isn't based on whether a claim results in an exoneration, but rather in whether we are able to fully investigate a claim and provide answers that the criminal justice system didn't previously have.
The third hallmark is confidentiality. By statute, the claims we investigate and the investigations themselves are confidential during the investigation, and only in certain circumstances is information released to the public about cases. This allows the commission to develop a rapport with witnesses and to have full and frank conversations with witnesses, law enforcement agencies and others involved in cases, and it often leads to positive change within the criminal justice system. We have especially seen this with respect to changes in evidence storage and handling at law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina.
Since its creation in 2006, the commission has received 3,571 claims. We have received 194 claims thus far in 2023, putting us on track to receive 233 claims in 2023, which is up from our average of 211 claims per year. We have held 19 hearings since our creation, and will hold our 20th hearing next week.
Fifteen individuals have been exonerated by a post-commission three-judge panel or had their convictions vacated through a motion for appropriate relief and been granted a pardon of innocence by the governor of North Carolina based on the commission’s investigation of their claim. Additionally, we have definitively confirmed guilt through DNA testing in 13 cases—