With respect to Bill C‑5, I'm of the opinion that due diligence is required. I don't think we should delay this, because it's important, and I'm aware of that. However, Bill C‑5 addresses two completely different issues, one is diversion for the use and possession of certain drugs, and the other is mandatory minimum sentences.
You may recall that this led us, after first reading, to ask the Minister of Justice to split Bill C‑5 into two separate bills, in order to expedite its processing. If we had been able to agree on diversion, which I think was more likely or easier, we could have passed this bill right away, but that was not the case. I don't want to go backwards; we have to deal with the situation as it is, but the fact remains that the fear I had at the outset, when we proposed splitting this bill, is still present. I can't imagine that we're going to get this resolved in five meetings.
My colleague Mr. Anandasangaree called me about this, and we discussed it. At the time, I told him that I hadn't really had time to think about it. Since then, I've thought about it and discussed it with people around me. What I would suggest, first of all, is that we leave some room to extend the study, if necessary. For the time being, I think we could already set aside four meetings to hear witnesses on the issue of diversion and four on the issue of minimum sentences. That would be a total of eight meetings. Then we could schedule two for clause‑by‑clause.
That's what I'm proposing to you today, Mr. Chair.