Thank you very much.
I think we all do not want this to simply replace the appeal system. That is already in the criteria the commission would use in order to determine whether or not to receive a case. One of the criteria is related to whether or not an appeal could still be made. I'll pull out the legislation if I need to, but I think you need to look at the already established criteria for whether or not the commission should grant leave to discuss a case or not. That is already included. That would be my point.
I agree with you that it shouldn't replace the appeal system, but I believe that's already in the bill and that is one of the grounds. All this does is say that if you appealed a case to the court of appeal, it's the same as if you appealed it to the Supreme Court. You didn't exhaust your appeals. The commission can still look at it, but it's not meant to replace, as I think the bill is drafted, the current appeal system.