I forgot about children. If we're talking about the definition and who this particular amendment encompasses, I think I would expand the definition of those who are in situations of coercive control. I would open this as well to include children and other family members, who also represent victims of coercive control. This is one element.
The other thing is that we could potentially be a bit more specific about “significant impact”. If we want to keep it there, I think there's a chance we could revictimize the victim if we are looking for a significant impact of a particular behaviour.
If we decide to keep the part about significant impact as it is, I would recommend including in the amendment a non-exhaustive list of examples. Honestly, I would add a non-exhaustive list of coercive control behaviours to this particular legislation. At least it would give judicial actors an understanding of some of the behaviours that are going to be encompassed in this particular offence.