Okay. I'll try to save 15 seconds.
Thank you for being here, Ms. Collins, and congratulations on getting your private member's bill this far. We wish you the best in possibly getting it all the way through Parliament.
Mr. Mendicino made reference to another study that this committee had done. The report coming out of that was titled, “The Shadow Pandemic: Stopping Coercive and Controlling Behaviour in Intimate Relationships”. One of the recommendations, recommendation 2, said, “concerning the drafting of government legislation regarding a coercive and controlling behaviour offence in the Criminal Code, [consider] Bill C-247 as possible language”. I believe that was the earlier version from Mr. Garrison.
Do you have any comments on why the government has not proceeded with this, made it a government bill and expedited it through the whole process, leaving it to you as yet another person bringing forward a private member's bill?