In terms of the barriers that racialized and marginalized communities experience, especially the ones who don't speak our official languages and require interpreters and language access in bringing forward their challenges to the legal system, they have a lot of lack of trust of the system because of how they are routinely treated in the system.
Ms. Parsa, just a few minutes back, talked about the low conviction rates of a lot of these cases that come forward in the system, and the traumatization of the survivors. Traumatization of survivors who experience inherent bias in the system is even greater. They face that whenever they come forward. They are not necessarily trusted. They find themselves charged. That's one of the historical changes in the Criminal Code that we are still seeing the repercussions of, and we haven't really found the solution for it.
Just very quickly, in closing on this question, I want to say that I think it is incorrect for us to create a dichotomy between whether this is to support survivors or whether it is not to support survivors. I think the challenge lies somewhere in between. The system is not working, and the system needs fixing before we go on to bring more charges to the books and more Criminal Code changes. On the surface, they look really good, but unfortunately, they become window dressing.
I have been in front of you and your colleagues in the past, many years ago, talking about the same thing with respect to forced marriage cases. I said not to criminalize it, because it will put the issue under the rug. It did put the issue under the rug.
Coercive control has made a lot of progress in our jurisprudence. The judges are understanding it in the family law context. There are cases in which judges are understanding in a much better way. I don't want coercive control to become another action that goes under the rug and that people stop talking about because it's so hard to prove.