I can start and then pass it on to Roxana, if there's time left.
I just want to say that I don't think Roxana and I and others who are talking about the systemic challenges currently, which don't allow survivors to come forward safely, are talking about survivors not having a choice. We work in a trauma-centric, survivor-centric way. We definitely believe that survivors should have all of the choices and all of the options. They should have a full set of options to choose from in terms of what actions they want to take.
Unfortunately, honourable member, what I am trying to talk about is that when they make those choices, they are in an environment in which there are risks associated with those choices. Studies tell us that a number of women who come forward are at much higher risk of fatality compared with women who don't interact with the system. You have a system that's just so broken that it doesn't do risk assessments of their situations properly and doesn't provide them the support in coming forward.
Creating another Criminal Code change, making another criminal law change and bringing forward a crime of coercive control can potentially create window dressing and potentially create more harm and retraumatize survivors, because they will come forward and there will be no action taken. They will be putting themselves at risk with no recourse available to them. That's where our fear is with this change.