Turning back to this private member's bill, which has been advanced by my colleague, Mr. Garrison, I gather that's really the scenario in which the bill should be contemplated—perhaps where other alternative models may not be available for one reason or another.
It may be because parties don't consent. It may be that there are some cases that are egregious, where serious violence has been involved and, as a result, we may have no other choice but to resort to the criminal law, despite the systemic challenges, which I think you've appropriately identified.
In that scenario, what do you say? Is it that the existing laws on the books are sufficient or adequate to deal with coercive control, or do you acknowledge that perhaps it may make sense to add some additional language that defines coercive control—and I think Mr. Caputo provided some good examples for the committee and for you to contemplate—and additional provisions to deal with this type of harm that's disproportionately towards women?