I'm in favour of apple pie too, Minister. There's no doubt about that.
However, I think my question is simple enough. I have to admit that I was very surprised to find myself in a situation where your Conservative colleagues supported my request, which is clearly a matter of a common sense, to use an expression that's become a little tired these days. Indeed, common sense dictates that the nine commissioners should speak and understand French and English. I don't think it's unreasonable to find nine bilingual commissioners among tens of millions of Canadian citizens.
You're dancing around my question. Furthermore, one member of your party has opposed my request, as basic as it is. Everyone in Quebec agrees with this proposal, and the same is probably true for most people elsewhere in Canada.
Minister, before my time expires, I'm going to ask you my question about bilingualism within the commission one last time. Do you agree, yes or no, that the nine commissioners should speak and understand French and English?