We do have data, and it's in the annual reports, Dr. Fry, so rather than my expanding on that data, I'm happy to follow up with the actual chart that shows you that information and how it's evolved over the life of MAID so far.
What I will tell you is that the number of requests that are declined is a smaller proportion than one might think. I'm sorry. I'm going off the top of my head here, but I think it's in the 15% to 17% range.
I will tell you that part of the reason for that is not that MAID practitioners are saying yes to everything. Part of it is that often the interaction that a person seeking MAID will have with a provider leads to a conversation about whether or not they are likely to be deemed eligible, and if they are not, they do not proceed with a formal request. Therefore, the refusals that I'm talking about, those numbers, are with respect to the formal written requests, which is a little bit different.
We also have detailed information about withdrawal of requests or requests that are approved but that do not lead to a MAID death. In many cases, it is because the person died before the procedure could be undertaken. There is a very small number—though not insignificant—of people who actually withdraw very close to the day or even on the day of their MAID request. They simply say, “I no longer wish to proceed.” There are also some in the middle who have received palliative care or other support who simply say, “I can carry on. I do not see that I need to pursue MAID right now.”