We will continue, colleagues.
It is my understanding that there is agreement for this to be a truncated session because there is a vote in the House. We'll go until 8:20 p.m. It has been agreed that everyone's times will be shortened by one minute, for both MPs and senators. All of us will give up a minute of our time so we can truncate this second panel.
I want to welcome our witnesses for the second panel. Thank you so much for lending us your time and expertise.
We have, as individuals, Baroness Ilora Finlay, Baroness of Llandaff and professor, by video conference; Dr. Henderson, senior medical director of integrated palliative care, Nova Scotia Health, here in person; and Dr. Madeline Li, psychiatrist and associate professor, by video conference. Thank you all for joining us.
We will begin with opening remarks by Baroness Finlay, followed by Dr. Henderson and then Dr. Li. You each have five minutes.
Baroness, go ahead.