I'll give you some examples. The latest that I have is old data, but I think it can be scaled up in terms of the number of dollars. It is from the Ontario Auditor General's report of December 2014.
One day in hospital for an end-of-life patient would cost $1,100 scaled up to 2022 dollars. One day in hospital costs $1,100. A palliative care unit in an institution would cost about $700 a day. A hospice residence would be $450 a day, and home care would be $100.
In Ontario, for example, 70,000 patients die—100,000 people die, but about 70,000 die in hospital per year—and if we took, say, half that amount, say 35,000, and moved them to hospice residences, for example, there would be a saving of about $650 per day per patient. Each patient's average length of stay is 21 days. If we took 35,000 times 21 days times $550 for the difference, that comes into hundreds of millions of dollars.
It's the money up front that's the resistance; hence, my hospice only receives about 6% to 7% of the necessary funding to be established. I wonder why we aren't considering that to be essential health care? It makes sense. It's the quality of care that people want and deserve and it is very cost-effective.