That would be a yes.
We've heard from Dr. Grant, who is the chair of FMRAC, that they are ready. I also have received some correspondence from people who have some responsibility for MAID-readiness in their own provinces.
Dr. Hayden Rubensohn of Alberta said, “Alberta and other Canadian jurisdictions are ready for the sunset clause banning MAiD where a Mental Disorder is the Sole Underlying Medical lapse.”
Dr. Selene Etches of Nova Scotia said, “Despite the challenges that” the legalization...etc., “we feel well prepared in Nova Scotia.”
Dr. Lilian Thorpe of Saskatchewan said, “I believe that we can make the expansion to include MAID MD-SUMC safe and appropriate. I believe we are ready.”
It's interesting because those people who are actually responsible for doing this work say that they have readiness.
Can you help this committee understand? Are there bodies in Canada that accredit medical training programs?