I've heard that echoed by many people, actually, and it is simply not true.
Our suicide assessments that we're trained to provide through residency are not about distinguishing suicidality from whether somebody wants to die through MAID. It's a completely different thing.
The CAMAP guidance focuses very heavily on whether it's impulsive or not, completely bypassing and missing the fact that many suicides are actually planned out, well thought out over a period of time. There is nothing in there that helps us tease those apart.
Furthermore, the evidence from the European countries shows overlapping characteristics between those who actually attempt suicide—most of whom do not try again and do not take their lives by suicide, and they benefit from suicide prevention—and the people who seek and get psychiatric euthanasia.
The obvious concern is: Are we converting transient suicidality, which may be fixed for a relatively long period of time, but still abates with suicide prevention, into a 100% lethality through MAID? That's why the 2:1 ratio of women to men who get psychiatric euthanasia should terrify any psychiatrist, because that 2:1 ratio is exactly the same as the 2:1 ratio of women to men who attempt suicide when mentally ill, as I said, most of whom do not die by suicide and do not try again.
We think that reflects gender-based marginalization. How can we be ignoring that, as a country, and just say that we're ready to march ahead in March 2024?