I have about four brief points in terms of peace-building. One is that vetting of government officials is very important. We need to inspire more confidence in the government, and one of the ways to do that is to have a system of meritocracy and vetting to ensure that the people who are in positions are those in whom the people will have some level of confidence.
Reconstruction and income generation is going to be absolutely critical, as we've already noted.
I agree with my friend Adeena that the anti-narcotics campaign is absolutely critical. The aerial spraying that is being suggested would be a disaster and would only exacerbate the conflict. You would end up having many more recruits for the Taliban. It would really add a whole additional layer of terrible complexity.
Finally, on coordination, I completely agree with you that we need more coordination of the donor community and more effective strategy development in that regard.
Then, with regard to vice and virtue and where it stands, I have the same information: that they're keeping a low presence and that the President did this as a means of appeasement to the religious community. They argue that in every Islamic country you have some sort of vice and virtue, largely looking at gulf countries, and they noted that it was needed in Afghanistan. They have developed it, but it's a department, not a ministry. It's a department within the ministry of religious affairs, and right now I think it's simply a real indication of the sway that the religious and the ultra-conservative communities have in Afghanistan.
That's going to be a reality that we will have to deal with for quite some time to come, but it requires the monitoring that the international community has been doing, in support with civil society.
Thank you.