All right.
Here's my million dollar question. I asked it when the committee was dealing with veterans business and that of national defence. You are all veterans. According to one school of thought at the time, the Department of National Defence wasn't doing enough prevention. There are two things. Even the provincial governments, when they provide their health services, tend to focus on the curative aspect, but not enough on prevention. They wonder what has to be done to cure people.
I don't want to start an interdepartmental war, but, according to that school of thought, the Department of National Defence didn't focus enough on providing training that would alert soldiers to psychological conditions such as those we've been talking about from the outset. In other words, the Department of National Defence sent people to the front on the basis that, if things went poorly and those people were released by the armed forces, the Department of Veterans Affairs would take care of them. Does that school of thought still exist? Sometimes don't you get the impression that National Defence creates a problem and that you are subsequently the ones forced to solve it?
Perhaps we should sit in camera to hear that answer, Mr. Chairman.
I'm joking now.