I think there are two things being confused here. They do have the lead on the northern strategy, which is a whole-of-government effort. Someone was mentioning they hadn't seen the whole-of-government effort, and I can assure you, and certainly my colleagues can, that we've been at innumerable meetings where the whole-of-government effort has been there to look at our northern strategy with respect to...and I listed the four pillars of the northern strategy. So that definitely is a question that Indian Affairs has the lead on and is coordinating our particular input from government.
The other issue, which is what is Canada and what is our territory, is clearly in the mandate of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and that's why we're here talking about sovereignty.
I don't know why there's a strong interest here in propagating it, but there's a mythology that there is some kind of race going on. I'd like you to point it out to me, because I'd like to know what it looks like. We, as governments who decided we didn't want to go to war over resources of the sea, decided 40 years ago that we would negotiate an international instrument, which we did, and in which Canada played a major role, and which sets out a vast international legal regime for dealing with the very issues we're talking about.
Canada was particularly instrumental in dealing with an article in that regime, article 234, on ice-covered areas, and it is one of the fundamental bases we have used to extend our Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act to 200 nautical miles. We will be bringing in a mandatory northern reporting system, which our friends in the military will then be able to act upon, also for 200 miles.
There is another mythology about Russians putting flags on the North Pole, which happens to be in the high seas. It means nothing. It's a stunt. It was a stunt then; it's a stunt now. The reality is that you don't own something by putting a flag on it; otherwise, National Geographic would own the Himalayas by having put a flag on them, or the Americans would own the moon by having put a flag on it. It just means they were there. So the Russians were there; they got to be there.
You have to put in context where your real concerns and fears are.
The Government of Canada has been aware of what we needed to do for many decades and we have done that under successive governments. And we are very pleased to say we feel confident that our legal position is strong and our approach to dealing with our access and exercise of sovereignty is also strong.