Thank you very much for your question. For clarity's sake, I am going to answer in English, if you don't mind.
Ma'am, you talked about global systems and readiness. Very clearly, I am part of the overall Canadian Forces' readiness, based on my requirement to provide operational support capability to the Canadian Forces.
We have individual readiness standards in units. I alluded to some of the units we have specifically within the Operational Support Command. For instance, my Joint Signal Regiment has a level of readiness for deployability.
Very specifically, though, we also have high readiness. Disaster assistance, humanitarian relief, and assisting in non-combatant evacuation operations are the types of activities that require a higher level of response, based on CF operational mandates. I have a responsibility to provide capabilities to move out the door to support those activities in a stricter, more timely fashion.
Based on those timelines for response, we put an activity at a level of readiness, in terms of both training and deployability. Essentially we manage it at an individual and unit level. For the two I cited, for instance, there are actually specific capabilities, down to the number of people required to respond to those types of operations. I maintain readiness for what I'm responsible for in light of those high-readiness standards.