Thank you, Mr. Alexander.
The relevant provision of the bill—if I can very quickly turn to it—is clause 101, which will put into the National Defence Act the statutory requirement for an independent review. Now, as you're aware, two statutorily mandated independent reviews have occurred to date: the first by Antonio Lamer, the second by Patrick LeSage.
Bill C-25, passed by Parliament in 1998, contained in section 96 a statutory requirement to conduct periodic independent reviews, but that obligation doesn't actually exist in the National Defence Act at present; it's in Bill C-25, which was passed by Parliament as Statutes of Canada, 1998, chapter 35.
One of the primary recommendations of Justice Lamer that will be accomplished by clause 101 is to put into the National Defence Act a statutory obligation to conduct a periodic independent review of certain specified provisions of the act. The benefit of that will be, first of all, to have an independent review, because it's extremely useful and extremely important to have a forum for identifying issues and to have a mandated vehicle that you know is going to occur to identify needed improvements. Having such a mechanism for legislative reforms is one of the great engines of policy improvement.
In that sense, of course, having that ability available to the Canadian Forces, to the military justice system, and ultimately to Parliament would provide a great benefit, both to Parliament—by ensuring it is able to fulfill its function of ensuring that the law is kept up to date—and to the members of the Canadian Forces, because they are the ones who benefit most directly from having a military justice system that is current and compliant with charter norms and with the evolution of the law.
One last effect of the proposed provision is that it would extend the period of the review cycle. One of the problems that has occurred to date, especially given the protracted time it's taken to actually have Parliament pass this Lamer-response bill, is that you need to have provisions in place so that you can generate a track record of practice if you're going to have a meaningful review. As Justice LeSage noted, you need to have a sufficient length of time to generate that track record of practice to have a useful and meaningful review.
Clause 101 of the bill is intended to accomplish those things, in terms of actually putting that obligation into the act and specifying with precision what needs to be reviewed.
I have just one last point on that point. Perhaps given the slightly contentious nature of proposed subsection 18.5(3), those particular provisions are specified in that review provision so that Parliament would actually have the benefit of an independent review of the operation of that provision when it comes time for the next cycle of legislative reform.