Thank you.
I just want to assure the chair that what I have to say is totally relevant to section 100 and the subamendment we're talking about, because when we're looking at the offence that we're dealing with here, we have such a broad definition of assisting or facilitating, because it says, “authorizes or otherwise facilitates”. One can authorize something by making a mistake or reading an order negligently or not understanding the rules, or thinking that something is authorized when it's not. But when you say “negligently or wilfully”, that clearly indicates that you either have to do it intentionally or you just do it by failing to show enough care. Facilitating, as indicated here, could be any number of possible things.
When we're talking about assisting or enabling escape, especially in the context when the person who actually escapes, who could be anybody subject to military discipline.... I don't imagine that's anyone, because I don't think you can charge anybody else for escaping under section 100. Maybe you can do something else with them, but under the code of military justice here, the code of service conduct, I think we are talking about charging an individual who is a member of the CF who was in custody and escapes. If you're under arrest or confinement or in prison or otherwise in lawful custody, escaping or attempting to escape makes one guilty of an offence. Well, the person who escapes or is allowed to escape can be charged, and if he's given a severe reprimand or fine or minor punishment, he doesn't get a criminal record. But the person whose negligence or inadvertence and lack of attention, shall we call it, allowed him to escape, gets a criminal record. Meanwhile, the person who escapes, the primary culprit, if you want to call him that, is not treated that way. There's an unfairness here.
What we're trying to achieve is fairness. I think that has to be understood. I understand Colonel Gibson's theoretical scheme where because the maximum sentence is so high, it's therefore more serious. Well, it can be treated more seriously depending on the circumstances. But pretty clearly, it's intended, and any sentencing court would say that this is reserved for the most egregious and serious offence one can imagine under that particular section. If you look at the Criminal Code, for example, if you break and enter into a dwelling house, it attracts life imprisonment. Most people charged with a first offence of break and entry—or it used to be so when I practised law—would get a suspended sentence. Maybe they shouldn't, but that's what they got. They didn't get life imprisonment. The sentence for break and entry into a dwelling house is different from break and entry into a commercial premises.
So, yes, as Colonel Gibson said, they're objectively treated more seriously in the sense of the maximum sentence being higher, but that doesn't mean in the application of the law that anywhere near that occurs with respect to an individual who commits that offence. When we're talking here of fairness, we're talking about having a list of offences that, provided the person is treated with the kind of sentence that we're talking about here, will not attract a criminal record. Fairness demands that like circumstances attract like penalties.
If you have a very minor offence in a circumstance where one would never receive any of the more serious penalties here, then why should that person, particularly when you juxtapose section 100 with section 101, particularly when the person who escapes doesn't, and in fact can't, get a criminal record if one of these sentences applies.... The guy who allowed him to escape, regardless of the penalty, even if his own behaviour was so minor that he simply got a reprimand because he wasn't paying enough attention, and the guy he was supposed to be looking after, because he wasn't in closed custody and locked up, wandered out into the parade ground and was spotted by a senior officer who asked, “What's he doing out here? You're supposed to be looking after him.” The guy responds, “Oh, I didn't see him go. I was getting a cup of coffee.” That doesn't sound too serious, and it may not be serious if the kind of custody wasn't so important and it was in a circumstance where the consequences were relatively minor, where there was no real danger and nothing occurred. Why would that person get a criminal record?
That's what we're talking about here. I don't know why we have to be religiously devoted to the notion that because there is the possibility of a more serious version of that offence to attract a criminal record, that there should be a criminal record imposed here.
We looked at this with Madam Moore, particularly from her experience in the military, and we think that 83, 98, 100, and we think we have another one, ought to be included in the list of offences that ought not to attract a criminal record. It's as simple as that.