It's difficult to respond, because there's quite a lot of speculation. I guess, sir, I could probably respond best in terms of the principles.
Clearly we are in a situation, if we go back to the genesis of Unified Protector and Operation Mobile, of an external agency—NATO, in this case—having a mandate to come in and protect Libyan civilians from the stated designs of their own regime. Clearly that is not a situation that anybody would want to see perpetuated for long. The mission has had the effect of reinforcing the Security Council resolutions, and that's all good. But clearly the position we need to get to is that security for Libya, in all of its dimensions, has been the responsibility of the National Transitional Council initially, and eventually a political process of representation, election, and democracy we hope will result in the Libyans taking ownership of this, as Barbara has mentioned.
That will require a professional military force to manage external threats, which is why a military force exists, and internal security forces along the lines of a police force that is professional, credible, and respected within the country.
Beyond those things, I think in your question you said that's the essential element in all of its dimensions. The pronouncements of the National Transitional Council at this stage indicate that it is heading in that direction. There will be a lot of work to be done. And there are allies of Libya that are already in discussions to assist in that process, particularly with respect to training the police, with respect to professionalizing the military. That is something that needs to be encouraged, and it will take time, as well, to build that.
But the immediate issue, from my standpoint—having had some experience in the Croatian civil war, in Bosnia, and in places like that, where we were in a transitional period—is that the reconciliation process has to be the first order of business, I would offer to you, sir. And how is that going to be managed? And then it has to be the Libyans who determine whatever assistance is required to aid in that process and to eventually get them on their feet, where they can take ownership and manage their external and internal security affairs.