Thank you.
Again, thanks for appearing today and for briefing us on the situation in Libya.
Please share with General Bouchard the comments you received today, as well as our congratulations on the great job they did, and how proud we are of all the men and women who are over there serving with the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force, as well as everybody in the Canadian armed services who was deployed. They did a fantastic job, and I think it's really a feather in our cap. Under the leadership of General Bouchard we were able to integrate with and work alongside all our NATO allies and really carry a heavy burden in protecting all civilians in Libya and ultimately helping bring about the liberation of the country as well. So thank you.
Before we are dismissed, I just want to let everybody know that next week's agenda has been changed a bit, unfortunately, because witnesses we had hoped to have appear are not available. On Tuesday, General Vance, the director of staff of the Strategic Joint Staff, will be here. And on November 3 we'll have the CDS General Natynczyk, so that will give us an opportunity to talk to him and talk overall about readiness, which we're going to continue to study.
With that, I would suggest that the hearings we're going to have on CEFCOM and Canada Command be held during the week following break week. I'll just put off having the steering committee at this point in time, because we'll pretty much have things lined up. We'll do a steering committee once we get back.
Mr. McKay.