Thank you. It's an honour to appear today before this Canadian parliamentary committee and be part of a group that includes Anders, Dan and Adrian, all world-renowned experts in their own right.
We are part of a greater Atlantic Council team devoted to supporting Ukraine as it fights Russian aggression and moves forward on reform, and more broadly, encouraging the west to push back against Kremlin revisionism designed to upend the security system that emerged in Europe and Eurasia at the end of the Cold War. That's what we've come to discuss with you today.
General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, was right when he said during a congressional testimony in the summer of 2015 that the greatest short-term security danger to the United States was coming from the Kremlin. This danger is not limited to the United States. It's a danger to NATO, the EU and, most immediately, Russia's neighbours that do not wish to be dominated by Moscow.
The west has been slow to understand this. Gradually, over the past several years, the U.S., NATO and even the EU have come to a more realistic understanding of the dangers posed by Kremlin policies, and have taken steps to mitigate those dangers. Despite President Trump's peculiar insistence on the need to improve relations with Mr. Putin, American policy in the past year and a half has actually and properly toughened against Kremlin aggression. This is likely to continue until the Kremlin backs off its provocative policies.
What some call the crisis of Ukraine is actually a crisis caused by Kremlin aggression. Moscow's war on Ukraine is not simply a matter of vital concern to Kiev; it is critical to the west, because Ukraine is the front line of our defence against Kremlin aggression.
Moscow has not hidden its destabilizing objectives. President Putin has said on multiple occasions that there must be new rules for the international order or there will be no rules. The old rules that Mr. Putin wants to get rid of were established by the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris, both signed by Moscow. The core principles he wants to get rid of are: the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations; the right of nations to choose their own internal, political and economic systems and their external alliances; and the commitment to resolve disputes by negotiations and international law rather than by military means.
As part of the demand for new rules, Mr. Putin insists on a sphere of influence in areas that once constituted part of the Soviet Union, if not the Warsaw Pact. He claims the right to intervene to protect ethnic Russians, and even Russian speakers when they are threatened. He burnished this bogeyman to justify his aggression on Ukraine. He can use the same pretext to intervene in Latvia and Estonia, NATO allies that have substantial Russian communities.
Moscow's objectives include weakening NATO in the EU. General Gerasimov, Russia's top soldier, laid out a doctrine of hybrid war in his famous article in 2013 that provides insights into Moscow's tactics. It stresses subterfuge, the use of disinformation, hard to trace cyber-operations, subversion, covert military operations, and when advantageous, conventional military strikes.
We have witnessed all of this in the past dozen years: the cyber-attack on Estonia in 2007; the war on Georgia in 2008; the ongoing war in Ukraine which uses all of these methods; interference in American, French, German and other elections, and in the British vote on Brexit; and provocations against the Baltic States, such as kidnapping an intelligence official from Estonia the day the 2014 NATO summit ended.
Kremlin misbehaviour is not limited to hybrid war tactics. For four years Moscow has been violating the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. It has attacked Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom in violation of the chemical weapons convention. It has flown Russian military planes dangerously close to NATO ships and planes, including yesterday in the Black Sea. Russian mercenaries in Syria attacked U.S. troops and their local allies last February.
The point of this is simple. The greatest immediate danger to the west comes now from a revisionist Kremlin. We need to take the necessary measures to defend ourselves and protect our interests. Over the past two years, NATO has taken important steps. At the Warsaw summit in 2016, the alliance took the decision to bolster its military capacity in the Baltic States, Poland and Romania.
This brings us back to Ukraine. If Moscow loses in Donbass, its appetite for adventurism in the Baltics and elsewhere will disappear. Increasing our support for Ukraine, therefore, is a smart way to protect NATO allies and the post-Cold War security structure, which has provided security and prosperity over the past 25 years.
Ukraine surprised the Russian general staff by fighting Russia to a standstill in Donbass. Of course, Moscow chose a war of limited means, a covert, hybrid war, to fight against its own government. This effort and the broader plan to carve out a large Novorossiya simply failed. There was not nearly enough local support in Ukraine to sustain this project, so Russian officers, and at times regular Russian forces, had to take over the war.
Even with this advanced Russian position, they still fought within limits. They have not used air power. They have not used naval power. Doing that would rip off the mask that this is a covert war as opposed to a conventional Russian war. Moscow's growing inability, however, to hide its war in Ukraine is tied to two vulnerabilities that we must exploit. One, the Russian people do not want their soldiers fighting in Ukraine. Two, Russia has a weak economy. Regular polls by Moscow's Levada Centre demonstrate that over the last three years, the Russian people have consistently said no to regular Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. Therefore, Mr. Putin hides his casualties from his own people.
The west needs to help Ukraine take advantage of this by providing weapons that will raise the cost to Moscow of its ongoing aggressions. Last December, President Trump finally decided to send Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. This was critical because the gains Moscow made in Donbass came by massing tanks. With Javelins, those tanks become targets. The Russian soldiers operating those tanks become sitting ducks, and this is a vulnerability to the Kremlin.
Ukraine needs help beyond Javelins. We have seen, since April, a major Russian escalation in the Sea of Azov. They have been stopping Ukrainian shipping. This has been choking the Ukrainian economy in Donbass. Shipping from Mariupol and Berdyansk has been under threat. Equally important, they've been running operations near Ukraine's Azov shore, suggesting they might launch amphibious operations. It would be very much in Ukraine's interest and in the west's interest to give Ukraine weapons such as surface-to-ship missiles that would make Russian amphibious operations vulnerable.
Ukraine's best strategic thinker, Volodymyr Horbulin, always says how vulnerable Ukraine would be to the use of Russian air power. The transfer of surface-to-air missiles would also be very much in the interest of Ukraine and NATO.
The west also needs to take stronger economic measures against Russia. Aside from hiding their casualties, there is one explanation for Russia's covert war in Ukraine. They've wanted to avoid or minimize sanctions. It took the west several months after the Russians seized Crimea. It took the shoot-down of the Malaysian aircraft with a Russian Buk missile to persuade the EU to launch serious sanctions against Russia.
We need more sanctions. The sanctions to date have been reactive. They have punished Russia for the bad things they have done. We should have proactive sanctions, which let Moscow know in advance that if they continue to do bad things, sanctions are going to get worse. For example, Ukraine takes regular casualties. There have been scores of shooting incidents over the ceasefire line, ever since Minsk I. Ukraine lost another soldier over the last couple of days; four were injured.
We need sanctions that say something like, the next 10 fatalities in Ukraine will lead to additional sanctions. The Kremlin has seized about 1,000 square kilometres of additional Ukrainian territory since the Minsk I ceasefire was implemented. A new sanction might say that the next 25 square kilometres of Ukrainian territory taken will lead to additional sanctions, so Moscow knows in advance that its current misbehaviour leads to a tightening of sanctions.
My last point is for something that would make a great deal of sense. I've already referred to what the Kremlin's been doing in the Sea of Azov. Over 150 Ukrainian ships have been stopped, and other ships, too, calling on the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol. We should look at legislation—the United States, Canada and the EU—that would forbid any Russian ship sailing from Rostov-on-Don, the main Russian port in the Sea of Azov, from stopping in our ports while harassment of Ukrainian shipping continues.
All these measures would increase the cost in the Kremlin of its aggression in Ukraine.
It's important to note that opponents of sanctions say sanctions don't work because they make the simplistic argument that we've had sanctions for over four years and the Russian intervention in Ukraine continues. This does not understand how sanctions work. Sanctions were never meant to lead to an immediate Russian withdrawal. It would be wonderful if they could, but that was never in the cards.
What sanctions have done is impose a cost on the Russian economy for their ongoing misbehaviour in Ukraine. Both the IMF and senior Russian economic officials said in 2016 that the sanctions cost Russia 1% to 1.25% of their GNP in that year. That cost continues to this day, which is why the Kremlin has sought to get sanctions lifted.
Financial elites in Russia understand the cost to their economy of Moscow's ongoing aggression. They represent an interest group in Moscow pushing against the war in Ukraine.
Over time, this will help lead to the right decision, for Russia to get out. But even before that, weakening the economy of a country with nuclear weapons, and the second-largest and most powerful military in the world, weakens its ability over the long term to wage war, and that is very much in our interests. People should not forget that.
I'll go to my last point. I wanted to focus on the national security dimensions at play, because they go beyond Ukraine's existential problems with Kremlin aggression, but reform in Ukraine is also a critical issue. I just want to make a few brief points on this.
Despite the headlines in the west and even in Ukrainian media, which tend to focus on the negative, the question of reform in Ukraine over the past four and a half years is by and large a positive one. Adrian and I have regular contacts—and Anders even more—with the international financial institutions that work on Ukraine's reform system progress. One of them said to Adrian and me 18 months ago that if he could have predicted in 2014 all the things that happened in the ensuing two and a half or three years, he would have been delighted.
As for those things that have happened, there are the changes in the gas sector which removed $7 billion of deficit from the Ukrainian budget and Ukraine's dependence on Russian natural gas, as well as the largest honey pot for corruption in Ukraine. It's gone as a result of this reform. There's the ProZorro government procurement system, which removed major corruption in the granting of government contracts. There's the cleanup of the banks in Ukraine, which were also piggy banks for rich and privileged people.
This is quite major progress. There are different steps but time prevents me from going into them.
There remain problems with corruption, especially in the courts and in the prosecuting authorities. These are being addressed, albeit too slowly for the taste of most of us, but we should not let our desire for perfection get in the way of a sound assessment that the record here is a pretty good one.
This comes back to national security, because Ukraine's success will ultimately be guaranteed by what it does in reforms. The west—the United States, Canada, the EU—and the international financial institutions have done a very good job of tough love, promoting reform with assistance and advice and an occasional whack when things have gone too slowly. This remains an important part of our policy and it should continue.
Ukraine will succeed with its reform, perhaps a little bit too slow for the taste of most of us, and when it does, it guarantees—and I use that word “guarantees” not loosely—that things will move in the right direction domestically in its neighbour to the north. The Putin style of governance, based upon corruption, authoritarianism and external aggression, will not be able to stand if Ukraine succeeds and develops a market economy with a democracy and a country that prospers. That example will blow away the ramparts of the Putin system.
Thank you.