I want to return to something. I'm going to be a little more direct this time. It goes to the ability to attract.
Earlier I brought up your words about meaningful employment and sense of purpose and people really needing to feel that. When he was speaking after me, Mr. Fisher talked about whether it was sexy enough.
I want to understand. Following World War II, there were 78,000 reservists, if I understand correctly. Notwithstanding the fact that it was at the end of a great conflict, has there been a deterioration or decline in the sense of, to use your words, satisfaction that comes from being involved in this particular line of work? We're still engaged in conflict throughout the world, yet there's a significant decrease in the number of reservists.
I know you gave a number of reasons, but is the sense of patriotism or the sense of wanting to fight for one's country different now with respect to reservists from it was following World War II?