I call this meeting to order.
Colleagues, as you know, I don't normally read the chair's notes. This is because I think most people have read these chair's notes about 150 times, and if you haven't figured them out by now, you're never going to. However, there are some changes, and I'm going to take this opportunity to read the chair's notes with respect to avoiding audio feedback.
The first one is that in order to prevent disruptive and potentially harmful audio feedback—incidents that can cause injuries—participants are reminded to keep their earpieces away from the microphones at all times.
Second, as of Monday, April 29, the following measures are being taken to prevent audio feedback. All earpieces have been replaced by a model that greatly reduces audio feedback. New earpieces are here. The former ones were grey. These ones are black. Please use only the black ones. All unused earpieces will be unplugged at the start of the meeting. When not using the earpiece, please place it face-down on the middle of the sticker. There's a sticker on the thing here. I'm sure the clerk is going to have to remind the chair to do that.
Please consult the cards on the table for these guidelines.
The room layout has been adjusted to increase the distance between the microphones. It's more like a football field. I can barely see Brigadier-General Adamson's name there, but I'm sure he's here.
Those are the changes that have been put in place in order to cut down on audio feedback, which has been difficult for our interpreters. Thank you all for your anticipated co-operation.
As a reminder, wait until I, as the chair, recognize you. I'll remind you that comments should be addressed through the chair.
This is the start of our study on the defence of space.
I'd like to welcome our witnesses for the first hour. We have Lieutenant-General Blaise Frawley, deputy commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command. We also have Brigadier-General Michael Adamson, commander of 3 Canadian Space Division.
Welcome, Generals Frawley and Adamson. I'll invite whoever is going to make the opening five-minute statement. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. We'll then go to our rounds of questions.
It's over to Brigadier-General Adamson for five minutes.