Every country has its own national interest, but for the Chinese Communist Party, this national interest is actually party interest.
Why is it that invading Taiwan, or why is the rhetoric of invading Taiwan in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party? It's because it needs a reason to show that its rule of China is legitimate. It used to be able to do that by giving the Chinese people economic benefits.
There seems to be an intangible social contract between the party and the Chinese people. It says to the Chinese people, “Forfeit your political rights to us, and the Chinese Communist Party will take care of your political participation and political rights. In return, we give you prosperity.” This is what the Chinese Communist Party has been doing for decades. It actually was able to do that, and it's maybe one reason that corruption in China was so rampant.
This is how it is trying to convince the Chinese people that the Chinese Communist Party will take care of everything politically, but economically, the people get the benefit.
Now that it knows it is not able to sustain that economic benefit, it is creating another legitimate reason to continue to get the support of the Chinese people. This is nationalism and nationalistic feelings. One thing about that is actually Taiwan, because it sees Taiwan not only as a renegade province but as a legacy of the Second World War. The Second World War is immediately connected to China's image of the so-called 100 years of humiliation.
It tries to justify what it does to the world as only asking for justice, because for the past 100 years, you have treated China with all kinds of unequal treaties. Now it is only asking for some fairness.
I hope you don't buy its argument, because this is all nonsense. If this is the case, why didn't it do that on day one of the PRC's establishment? It is only going to resort to this when other economic incentives can no longer be sustained. It's very easy to come up with all kinds of pretexts.