It's hard to know without the exact locations. I know that Mr. Tremblay's going to try to find the primary bases.
To me, if you're talking of 1,400 people on the primary list, we're posting another.... Let's say, for regular force people who are permanent and not going on a training, we're talking almost 25% who may or may not have the option of even getting access to a residential housing unit because they're just not available, right? They need to go on the wait-list, or they have to find something else, just based on the number as it escalates.
Esquimalt seems to be one of the problem areas. The new post living differential—or whatever the new name for it is—stops after seven years, if I understand it correctly, but, as we mentioned, the navy barely moves.
My concern is for those lower ranks. Because it is basically income tested, if I understand it correctly, after seven years, if you're a master seaman in Esquimalt making—I'm grabbing numbers off the top of my head—$60,000 or $70,000 a year, and you're living in one of these high-end markets with no housing that's available to you, you're living in a very expensive place and then, all of sudden after seven years, you lose that allowance that right now they continue to get under the current structure, and it's being phased down.
What options do they have?