I'd like to expand on two elements of exactly what we're doing. The first would be the work that the Canadian Forces morale and welfare services is doing to deliver a spousal employment program, which is already delivering success, and I will give you two clear examples of that.
It has conducted virtual career and networking fairs. There were three events this fall, which we had 120 spouses and 14 employer partners attend, and there was a 71% follow-up with spouses to, in fact, engage in those discussions about potential employment. There was also a LinkedIn content-creation session, and we had 30 attendees across those two sessions. The intention is, in 2024, to offer online career counselling where we will offer virtual career support to military spouses to support them.
Again through the Canadian Forces morale and welfare services, in concert with Maple, the other way that we support our families—because we are aware that medical care is often a challenge—is through the military family virtual healthcare program, which offers the ability for telehealth that permits members who may not yet have a family doctor to be able to access medical advice and to obtain prescriptions and lab or imaging requisitions. It's just one of the many ways that we are endeavouring to better support families in their relocation.
Thank you for the question.